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Kept Out

Aaron Glantz and Emmanuel Martinez Revel -- from the Center for Investigative Reporting
For people of color, banks are shutting the door to homeownership.


Face It: We are All Sickened by Inequality at Work

Sharan Burrow Hazards Magazine
Job insecurity or job discrimination based on class, gender or race, is bad for your health. It is a perversity of work that the language of ‘risks and rewards’ is used to justify soaring boardroom pay packets and the growing income inequality at work. But the workers most frequently compelled to take genuine risks – to life, to limb, to health – are those who receive the lowest financial rewards.

People with Mental Illness are 16 Times More Likely to Be Killed During a Police Encounter

Amy Goodman, John Snook
Before this year, we basically weren’t even able to really provide a very effective number of how many people with mental illness were killed by law enforcement officers. We know, across the country, that people with a mental illness are languishing in jails and emergency rooms, because we simply don’t have enough hospital beds for them.
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