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Tidbits – Oct. 20, 2022 – Reader Comments, Elections – It’s the Economy and Abortions; Lessons of Cuban Missile Crisis; Socialist Lessons; Communists in Closets; Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century; the Farmer-Labor Movement; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments, Elections - It's The Economy and Abortions; Lessons of Cuban Missile Crisis; Socialist Lessons; Announcements: Communists in Closets; Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century; The Farmer-Labor Movement; Cartoons; more....

The Geopolitical Consequences of the War in Ukraine

Ingar Solty Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
The worst possible outcome seems to be playing out. The current developments in Eastern Europe have at least six medium- to long-term geopolitical consequences — all of which are deeply worrying.


Putin: You're the Puppet!

Tony Wood BookForum
If you go by Western press accounts, Russian leader Vladimir Putin is a strutting peacock of the Trump school of self-reflection, or maybe a classic strongman, with the caveat that he's no twit. The book under review presents Putin as more acted upon than actor, more puppet to internal and external forces than puppet master, a formidable tactician but with no grand strategy, no end-game. In other words, a politician.
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