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The Case for the Financial Transaction Tax in 2021

Lenore Palladino The Appeal
Congress should immediately pass the Wall Street Tax Act,(A Financial Transaction Tax - FTT), which would tax the sort of high-speed trading that has turned the financial sector into a casino at the expense of our communities.


The Kidnapping Club

David Rosen New York Journal of Books
As this book shows, writes reviewer Rosen, “the slave trade persisted in New York in the decades before the Civil War because the city was the capital of the Southern slave economy.”

Friday Nite Videos | January 29, 2021

How Reddit Traders Used GameStop to Totally Spank the Wall Street Big Boys. Line Riders | “Les Toreadors.” African Scholars Suggest How to Fix American Democracy. Bernie Raises $1.8M With Meme Sweatshirt. What's Driving Coronavirus Mutations?

Profits Over People: Frontline Workers During the Pandemic

Martin Hart-Landsberg Reports from the Economic Front
Across the 13 companies in our analysis, revenue was up an average of 14% over last year, while profits rose 39%. Stock prices rose on average 30% since the end of February. In total...

Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid

Ellen Brown The Unz Review
No private, unelected entity should have the power over the economy that BlackRock has, without a legally enforceable fiduciary duty to wield it in the public interest.
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