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Wages and Prices: Who Is Keeping Up With What?

Dean Baker Center for Economic and Policy Research
Since President Biden took office, the media have run a constant stream of news stories about how high various prices were and telling their audiences that this has led to mass suffering.

Social Security and Medicare: Fun With Numbers Time

Dean Baker CEPR
The whole subsidy to retiree story is a diversion from the many important issues facing the country. Even the core idea, that we don’t adequately support the young because we give too much to the elderly is wrong.

AI, Job Loss, and Productivity Growth

Dean Baker CEPR
The moral of the story is that there is nothing about AI technology that should lead to mass unemployment and inequality. If those are outcomes, it will be the result of how we structured the rules, not the technology itself.

OMG, a Right-Wing Jerk Can Buy Twitter! Media Concentration Matters

Dean Baker Center for Economic and Policy Research
Fortunately, there are some ideas for challenging the control the rich have over the media. We are not going to be able to prevent the rich from buying media outlets. Instead, we will have to go the other way and allow the non-rich to have a voice.

Structuring the Economy To Give Money to the Rich Is Inflationary

Dean Baker The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)
Policies that give more money to people at the top are inflationary. If we want to help the working class we have to pursue policies that reverse upward redistribution, not promise the return of manufacturing jobs that no longer offer a wage premium.

The February CPI: More Bad News on Inflation

Dean Baker CEPR
Should Jerome Powell put on his Paul Volcker outfit and push interest rates through the roof? I would argue that, while modest rate hikes are appropriate, it is too soon to bring out the heavy artillery.