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Sixties Radicals Recall Fighting Times in US Labor

Steve Early Portside
The University of Wisconsin at Madison was a hotbed of student radicalism in the 1960s. and left-wing activists there were among the first of their generation to organize around issues related to their own mis-treatment as workers.

How Workers Can Safeguard Pensions

Steve Early Labor Notes
The book under review, written from a labor organizer's informed perspective, is seen by the book reviewer—himself a longtime labor militant-- as an essential resource for workers navigating their retirement and pension options.

How Contingent Faculty Organizing Can Succeed in Higher Education

Steve Early New Politics
They are highly educated, poorly paid, absent union backing and part of the metastasizing precariat. They are also organizing. Two veterans of the contingent college adjunct’s struggle ably tell the story, as reviewed by a veteran labor militant.

Tangled Up in Blue: Lessons for Police Reform?

Steve Early CounterPunch
Law professor and scion of a widely read radical activist/author family, Rosa Brooks went beyond the blue wall of silence in her inside view of American policing.  Among the retrograde lessons stressed in training, “Anyone can kill you at any time.”

'The Irishman": The Ghost of Jimmy Hoffa Won’t Go Away

Steve Early Jacobin
Martin Scorsese’s new film The Irishman continues Hollywood’s obsession with the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. We’re more concerned with what happened to Teamster working conditions under his son, James P. Hoffa.

Why the Working Class Matters

Steve Early LA Progressive
With the rise of popular interest in socialism, this book goes beyond promoting efforts boosting needed protective legislation and improved social welfare for working people to look globally at struggles against capital and strategies for winning.