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Hyundai Supply Chain and Child Labor

Brett Wilkins Common Dreams
The call from congressional lawmakers comes amid a surge in child labor violations—and as Republican state lawmakers seek to roll back over a century of child labor protections.

The Supreme Abortion

Lavinia Kumar New Verse News
Did the Supreme Court overstep the definitions of the word “abortion” in the great leak of secrecy? Ask poet Lavinia Kumar.

92 Percent of Ex-NFL Players Show Brain Trauma

The Brink The Brink
Leading up to Super Bowl LVII, Boston University's CTE Center Director Ann McKee says the NFL ignores the risks of repetitive blows to the head and that it’s “foolish” to think the league will police itself

What Ending the COVID Emergency Actually Means

Katelyn Jetelina and Caitlin Rivers Your Local Epdemiologist
What does it mean to 'end the emergency'? Questions and answers about antigen tests, vaccines, Paxlovid, healthcare coverage and more. Why we, as a society, need to transition NOT to a 2019 world but to a new and better 2023 world.

Greene and Boebert Unravel at Twitter Hearing

Seth takes a closer look at President Biden making a point of focusing on kitchen table issues during his State of the Union address while House Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene focused on things like why Twitter censored Hunter Biden's nudes.

Five Questions With John Bracey

John H. Bracey, Jr. (1941-2023), former department chair of the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies at  U-Mass Amherst, answers questions about his life and career.