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Black Eyed Peas - Street Livin'

Prison Industrial Complex. Immigration. Gun Violence. Police Brutality. These issues are critical for our families, friends, communities, and world. Stay Woke, Take Action Now.

The Biggest Myths About Socialism

Why are Americans so afraid of socialism? Because its powerful detractors have been lying to the American people about it for decades.

There’s No Political Machine That Can’t Be Beat

There’s No Political Machine That Can’t Be Beat Daniel Doubet
Summer Lee, Sara Innamorato and Liz Fiedler faced enormous odds against well-funded opponents. These progressive women took the odds and won ... not by a little but by a lot. They've proven the old analysis that says you have to be a centrist to win is dead wrong.

How Costa Rica Gets It Right

Joseph E. Stiglitz Project Syndicate
How has a country of under five million become a world leader in democratic, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth? The answer lies in its people's belief in focusing on the welfare of all citizens.

Friday Nite Videos | May 18, 2018

The Biggest Myths About Socialism. Black Eyed Peas - Street Livin'. Donald Jr.'s Testimony Summarized: 'I Do Not Recall'. Google Employees Quit Over Military Drone Program - Project Maven. Why Israelis and Palestinians Both Claim Jerusalem.

Cursing Cortes

Álvaro Enrigue The New York Review of Books
The simple story of Cortés's evisceration of the the Aztecs is not so simple. In letters to Spain's King Carlos I, justifying morally Mexico’s occupation, Cortés distorted what was in fact a messy and confusing war involving several armies from already competing European nations. His lies linger.

Tidbits - May 17, 2018 - Reader Comments: Nakba-Jerusalem Embassy-Palestinian Reality; Public Worker Unions, Union Membership and Janus; Radical literature; food; Avengers; Tidbits Returns; Brown v. Board of Education; Resources and more...

Reader Comments: Jerusalem Embassy - Palestinian Reality; Public Worker Unions, Union Membership and Janus; Portside Culture stirs responses: Radical mysteries; food; Avengers; Tidbits Returns after six-week hiatus; Today in History: Brown v. Board of Education; Resources and more...

The Former Community Organizer and Activist Who Became a Historian - Maurice Jackson

Erik Moshe History News Network
I had been a community organizer all my life; I was one of the top leaders of the Communist Party of the United States, joining as a teenager, staying some a certain point in my life, I knew it was time to leave. I was a supporter of perestroika and glasnost and the party rejected it...