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Is Wisconsin Still a Democracy?

Luke Savage Jacobin
All signs now point to a full-court press by the GOP to rig state election rules in a bid to stay in power permanently. So far, Democrats have barely put up a fight.

Giving Tuesday: A Portside Message: Our Vision for 2022

The threat to the survival of our democracy is clear: a would-be dictator and a cultist political party. A truly multiracial, inclusive, radical democratic movement that has a vision beyond capitalism is key. You can help.

Fighting the Inflation Profiteers

David Dayen The American Prospect
Companies are raising prices well above increases in their costs. The only antidote is to finally take action against corporate power.

Is Society Coming Apart?

Jill Lepore The Guardian
Despite Thatcher and Reagan’s best efforts, there is and has always been such a thing as society. The question is not whether it exists, but what shape it must take in a post-pandemic world