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Fighting the Inflation Profiteers

David Dayen The American Prospect
Companies are raising prices well above increases in their costs. The only antidote is to finally take action against corporate power.

Is Society Coming Apart?

Jill Lepore The Guardian
Despite Thatcher and Reagan’s best efforts, there is and has always been such a thing as society. The question is not whether it exists, but what shape it must take in a post-pandemic world

Washington Mental Health Workers Win Safety Strike

Sarah Hughes Labor Notes
Workers at Cascade Behavioral Health walked out in August following an attack by a patient that injured 11 staff. The National Labor Relations Board concluded this was legal—possibly the first time it has condoned a safety strike in the health care.

Tucker Carlson, Your Boss’s Favorite “Populist”

Branko Marcetic Jacobin
Tucker Carlson likes to style himself a populist. But every time there’s a fight over something that might actually make life easier for working-class people, he never misses the opportunity to take the side of big business and the rich.

Donald Duck Quacks Again as Chile Elects a New President

Ariel Dorfman The Nation
A half-century after it fed the Pinochet regime’s bonfire of heretical books, a celebrated “handbook of decolonization” has new relevance to a country on the brink of a momentous choice.

Neither Grandmaster Yields In A Chess Tug Of War

Oliver Roeder Five Thirty-Eight
A testament to the deep preparation and precise execution of the game’s master craftsmen — a drawn tug of war not between weaklings but between Goliaths.