National #RentControl Training Report Back & Materials!
The #YearOfTheRenter has started off with a lot of fire, strategic thinking and inspiration!
January 27th, Homes For All & Right To The City rolled out the first in our year-long #RenterNation training series uplifting tools & solutions to gentrification & rising rents. More than 155 people from 149 organizations, 45 cities, 20 states and 2 countries joined in for a dynamic training on #RentControl. 77 Registrants are part of campaigns in 2016 to win Rent Control, 52 are planning to launch campaigns in the next 2-4 years, and 17 more are part of groups hoping to build toward a rent control campaign in their 5-10 year organizing plan!
We want to give special appreciation to our inspiring Homes for All presenters (see names and organizations below) who brought first hand experience of developing, launching and winning #RentControl campaigns on the local and statewide level in Alameda, CA, Minneapolis, MN, New York, and Seattle, WA!
We unveiled and made available the brand new National Rent Control Toolkit [adapted from Tenants Together California Rent Control Toolkit] and the dialogue and Q&A was rich and informative, leaving all of us wanting more!
Did you miss the training? You can download and check out all the critical materials and links here:
If you have questions or want more information please contact Tony Romano at Tony [at] RightToTheCity [dot] org
We invite you and your organization (if you are part of one) to join the Homes For All campaign by signing our pledge and participating in a working committee!