Prayer for Anything but Prayer
Portside Date:
Author: Chris Emslie
Date of source:

Prayer for Anything but Prayer
for Omar Mateen

By Chris Emslie

I have felt Florida
like a man’s hands
on my shoulders
felt thumbs
in my clavicles
compel my whole
body to the ground
I have offered
myself to gravity &
been laid open
along the curve of
a root I have been
overcome by light
overcome by song
overcome by wanting
& I have been that hot
kernel of rage have
been a room with
too many walls
have been a bandana
between my lover’s teeth
I have let another
man’s mouth take
mine & been quickened
by it I have put my limbs
in the way of danger
for the sake of collision
I have lofted noises
at my own end & been
shouted down
by nothing
I have profaned
I have holied & if god
be willing I am not
done being undone

Chris Emslie, who also goes by Kit, is assistant editor at ILK journal. Their work has appeared in Permafrost, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. Kit lives in Tuscaloosa, where they are an MFA candidate at the University of Alabama. Find them on Twitter:

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