Friday Nite Videos -- July 8, 2016
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Officer Nakia Jones Talks About the Alton Sterling Shooting
Nakia Jones, a Cleveland Ohio police officer expressing her feeling about being an officer and the Alton Sterling shooting. 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Why We Need to Stop the TPP
Sen. Warren lays out in compelling detail how TPP would allow corporations to bypass traditional courts in favor of unaccountable, industry-friendly “arbitration panels.”

How the Cannabis Business Community Pays Taxes
Sen. Merkley and Rep. Blumenauer join Tyson Haworth, owner of Oregon's Finest & sofresh farms, to discuss the banking and tax challenges that legal cannabis companies are facing under current federal law. 

Gretchen Carlson Is Suing Fox News' CEO. This Might Be Why
Some of the things hosts of "Fox & Friends" have said to Gretchen Carlson on the air.

This Farm of the Future Uses No Soil and 95% Less Water
Vertical farms produce crops in stacked layers, often in controlled environments such as those built by AeroFarms in Newark, New Jersey. 

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