Friday Nite Videos -- March 10, 2017
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No, Ben Carson, Slaves Weren't 'Immigrants'

After Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson refers to African slaves as "immigrants," Trevor gives him a lesson in semantics.

The State That Beat Trump's Travel Ban Is Back in Court

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson joins Ari Melber to discuss his plan to challenge Trump's revised executive order on immigration, just as they did the first one before defeating it in court.

The Dalai Lama: John Oliver

John Oliver sits down with the Dalai Lama to discuss China, the conditions in Tibet, and horse milk.

How Jails Extort the Poor | Salil Dudani

Why do we jail people for being poor? Today, half a million Americans are in jail only because they can't afford to post bail

The Doomsday Clock, Explained

The clock's ticking. But this is one clock that can also be set back.

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