No Voter Data for Trump

The Republican Secretary of State in Mississippi has refused to turn over the state’s voter data and told the Trump administration to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico.
Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann said that his state would not comply with a Trump administration request for voter names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and birthdates. Hosemann added in a statement, “They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi is a great state to launch from. Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state’s right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes.”
Here is the full press release:
The Trump administration is so damaged that no one, not even the Republican Secretary of State in Mississippi fears them. While trying to prove one of Trump’s conspiracies right, the White House danced on one of the great landmines of American politics. Donald Trump tried to mess with state’s rights. The states are in charge of elections. The states are in charge of voter data. By trying to federalize voter data with the clear intention of building the case for suppressing the vote in future elections, Trump ticked off state election officials all across the country.
This isn’t a Republican issue or a Democratic issue. It is a constitutional issue, and I suspect that the vast majority of states aren’t about to allow Trump to dance on their rights. The Trump voter fraud commission looks dead as a doornail because Donald Trump can’t understand that he is a president, not a dictator and that there are checks built into the Constitution to limit his powers.