Friday Nite Videos | November 10, 2017
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Is there one person who can save us from Donald Trump. Schneider-man, maybe? Eric Schneiderman doesn't think so.

Bint El Shalabiyya and Kalinka Mashup - Maan Hamadeh
Music, where cultures meet and perform mad dances. Arabic, Spanish and Russian influences power this mashup.

'Jobs, Jobs, Jobs'
State and local governments offer large financial incentives to attract employers to their part of the country. John Oliver explains what communities get, or often don't get, in return. 

What Are the Paradise Papers?
More than 13m leaked files reveal the hidden wealth of some of the world’s richest people including sports stars, celebrities and heads of state. The Paradise Papers show how complex schemes set up in offshore islands can help the super-rich avoid billions in taxes.

Proof of Evolution That You Can Find on Your Body
You have your mom's smile, your dad's eyes, and the ear muscles of a Triassic mammal.

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