Media Bits and Bytes - Red Alert Edition
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Global Press Freedom Plunges to Worst Level This Century

By Graham Ruddick
November 29, 2017

Study finds freedom of expression at lowest point since 2000 with reporters facing violence, prosecution and financial rout in dozens of countries.

The Most Dangerous Countries In The World To Be A Journalist

By Jesselyn Cook
December 21, 2017

Mexico and Syria are among the deadliest places for reporters, new studies show.

Daphne Caruana Galizia: The Voice They Couldn't Silence
December 15, 2017

Passionate, probing and fearless, investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was a caustic critic of the powerful and paid the ultimate price for exposing corruption in Malta.

Apple confirmed a Longtime Conspiracy Theory — and Gave Regular Customers a Big Reason to Distrust It
By Troy Wolverton
December 20, 2017
Business Insider

Apple admitted it had been secretly throttling the performance of older iPhones.

How Television Anticipated the Weinstein Moment in 2017

By Sophie Gilbert
December 13, 2017
The Atlantic

From The Keepers to National Treasure, The Deuce to The Handmaid’s Tale, new shows probed the institutionalized nature of sexual assault.

How To Create NPR Propaganda: As Seen In A Hit Piece Against Me

By Lee Camp
December 20, 2017
Lee Camp Official Website

Everything about NPR subtly reinforced the idea, “Everything is fine. You’re probably a middle to upper class white person or you hope to be one day, and that’s just great. Everything is fine.” They might not SAY that, but they say that.

Left-Leaning Media Executive Don Hazen Resigns After Six Women Accused Him Of Sexual Harassment
By Salvador Hernandez and Cora Lewis
December 22, 2017

Don Hazen resigned from the left-leaning website AlterNet after six women told BuzzFeed News they were sexually harassed by the executive.

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