Friday Nite Videos | Feb 23, 2018
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Florida / NRA

The kids call BS, and the nation really never will be the same.

The Young Karl Marx (in Theaters!)

The narrative brilliance of director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro) tells the story of Karl Marx's marriage, soaring vision, political exile and partnership with Frederick Engels. Check local listings for showtimes.

Survivor to Rubio: Will You Reject NRA Money?

Cameron Kasky, one of the students who survived the shooting at Stoneman Douglas high school, asks Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) if the senator would continue to take campaign donations from the National Rifle Association.

Why the Rich Love Destroying Unions

Unions are on their last legs, and right-wing billionaires are getting ready to deal the final blow. And if you like having weekends, less than a 60-hour workweek and a living wage, then this is a big deal.

"Black Panther": Just a Dope-Ass Black Movie

Roy Wood Jr. explains why black audiences are so excited to celebrate the release of the movie "Black Panther."

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