Friday Nite Videos | April 6, 2018
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Why Eating Healthy Is So Expensive

Produce helps your health and hurts your wallet, but that is as much a result of policy as of nature 

Weak Black Women | Robin Thede

Robin turns the "Strong Black Woman" stereotype on its head with the world premiere of her music video "Weak Black Women."

Hip Hop or Shakespeare?

Akala demonstrates and explores the connections between Shakespeare and Hip-Hop, and the wider cultural debate around language and it's power.

Documentary | RGB

An intimate portrait of an unlikely rock star: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. With unprecedented access, the filmmakers explore how her early legal battles changed the world for women. Opens May 4.

Tom Lehrer's 'The Elements' Animated

Tom Lehrer, who has written a body of songs with a unique mix of science, social and political satire (check out, for example, We'll All Go Together When We Go), is 90 this month. This one is just for fun. Happy birthday, Tom.

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