Friday Nite Videos | April 27, 2018
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Pain and Terror: America Remembers Its Past

More than 4,400 enslaved black men, women and children were lynched by white mobs between 1877 and 1950. As America’s first memorial and museum dedicated to the legacy of enslaved black people opens in Montgomery, Alabama, Guardian reporter Ed Pilkington meets founder and racial justice lawyer Bryan Stevenson

All Along the Watchtower | Playing for Change

The Bob Dylan classic performed by artists from India, Ghana, Argentina, Italy, Niger, Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Ghana, Japan, Mali and many of the United States

How Michael Cohen Pleading the 5th Could Backfire on Donald Trump

In a special legal report, Ari Melber examines Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s decision to plead the 5th in matters relating to the Stormy Daniels case. Melber points out Nixon’s own lawyer plead the 5th during a Watergate grand jury, but eventually flipped.

Trump Freaks Out on Fox & Friends

Seth takes a closer look at President Trump freaking out about the various criminal investigations around him during a rambling interview on Fox & Friends.

Kanye West Ignites a Debate About Racism

Kanye West implies that black people are overly sensitive about racism, prompting Roy Wood Jr. to highlight recent acts of bigotry in the U.S.

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