REWIND - A Week of Quotes and Cartoons
REWIND - A Week of Quotes and Cartoons
Quote of the Day
February 24, 2013
'People have been complaining about US special forces units torturing and killing people in that province and nine individuals were taken from their homes recently and they have just disappeared and no one knows where they have gone.'
Aimal Faizi, spokesman for President
Hamid Karzai, explaining why the
Afghan government has ordered
all US special forces to leave
Maidan Wardak, a province which
borders Kabul.
The Guardian (UK)
February 24, 2013
Toon of the Day
Drew Sheneman
Quote of the Day
'That's right. The ocean will lift all the boats. The reality is that for at least 30 years now, that isn't true. For the majority of people, capitalism is not delivering the goods. It is delivering, arguably, the bads. And so we have this disparity getting wider and wider between those for whom capitalism continues to deliver the goods by all means, but a growing majority in this society which isn't getting the benefit, is in fact, facing harder and harder times. And that's what provokes some of us to begin to say, "It's a systemic problem".'
Economist Richard Wolff
February 23, 2013
Toon of the Day
Coal Mine Canary
Tom Toles - Washington Post
Quote of the Day
'But the elite bipartisan consensus is focused on sending the bill for Wall Street's mess to an already battered middle class, by weakening the basic pillars of a family's economic security - Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. And they are a lot closer than anyone thinks. The sequester is just the first of a series of austerity bombs that the Republican Congress will use to extort cuts in these benefits.
'It's time to stop such extortionists from holding our country's economic future hostage.'
Columnist Katrina vanden Heuvel
Washington Post
February 26, 2013
Toon of the Day
Ship of Schools
Signe Wilkinson
Quote of the Day
'Next to come is the long awaited grand bargain of the austerity lobby, in which Republicans agree to close some tax loopholes (which start out grotesquely swollen) and Democrats agree to breach the previously sacrosanct fortresses of Social Security and Medicare.
'On all counts, advantage: Republicans. 'Long term, colluding in the politics of budget austerity has left Obama with no real capacity to offer the public investment that the economy needs for a robust, broadly-based recovery, and leaves him with the prospect of a weak economy between now and the end of his term-unless he drastically shifts course and repudiates the entire view of the budget and the economy.'
Robert Kuttner Editor - American Prospect
February 26, 2013
Toon of the Day
Our Dog and the Kids
David Horsey - Los Angeles Times
Quote of the Day
`I will not dignify Justice Scalia's comment by repeating it. But let us be very clear. The protection of the right to vote is an American entitlement. It is a democratic entitlement. And those who would seek to use incendiary rhetoric from the bench of the Supreme Court should think twice about their place in history.'
NAACP President Benjamin Jealous
ABC News
February 27, 2013
Toon of the Day
Rosa Barks Meets Justice Scalia
Jim Morin - Miami Herald
Quote of the Day
''And an end to deficit obsession can't come a moment too soon. Right now Washington is focused on the idiocy of the sequester, but this is only the latest episode in an unprecedented run of declines in public employment and government purchases that have crippled our economy's recovery. A misguided elite consensus has led us into an economic quagmire, and it's time for us to get out.'
Economist Paul Krugman
New York Times
March 1, 2013
Toon of the Day
Saudis for Democracy
Jeff Danziger
Quote of the Day'Republicans have defined their position, regardless of how reckless: austerity or bust. However, as economists have warned, austerity generally precedes - and, in fact, can cause - bust. Just look at Europe.
'But Republicans are so dizzy over the deficits and delighted to lick the boots of billionaires that they cannot - or will not - see it. They are still trying to sell cut-to-grow snake oil: cut spending and cut taxes, and the economy will grow because rich people will be happy, and when rich people are happy they hire poor people, and then everyone's happy.
'This is the vacuous talk of politicians trying to placate people with vacation homes, not a sensible solution for people trying to purchase, or simply retain, their first homes.'
Columnist Charles M. Blow
New York Times
March 2, 2013
Toon of the Day
Uphold that Precedent
Tom Toles - Washington Post