Friday Nite Videos -- March 15, 2013
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Author: Portside
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The Man Behind the 47% Video Comes Forward

For the first time, the man who shot the 47% video -- Scott Prouty -- reveals who he is, why he did it, and his plans for the future in an interview with Ed Shultz.


Robert Reich: Why We Should Raise the Minimum Wage

Three powerful reasons why we should raise the minimum wage, and a quick debunking of arguments against it.


Michigan Drivers Stage Mass Highway Slowdown

Rachel Maddow reports on a mass civil disobedience campaign by people in Michigan to protest the elimination of political rights of Detroit residents.


Pink Smoke Over the Vatican

Pink Smoke Over the Vatican is a documentary film about the controversial movement of women seeking to be ordained as priests in the Roman Catholic Church. Informative, beautifully filmed and edited by film maker Jules Hart. 

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