Justice Kagan’s Gerrymandering Dissent

Portside Date:
Author: Andy Kroll
Date of source:
Rolling Stone

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court’s five conservatives ruled Thursday that federal courts have no role to play in striking down politically rigged congressional maps that deny equal representations to citizens of a given state. The court’s majority opinion, responding to two lawsuits challenging gerrymandered maps in Maryland and North Carolina, effectively punted, saying there is no standard to decide such cases. The decision is a serious blow to voting rights groups who had hoped the high court would step in and set a precedent on the issue of gerrymandering.

In her dissent, Justice Elena Kagan, one of the court’s four liberals, blasted the five conservative justices. She accused them of abdicating their duties with a “tragically wrong” decision that would have disastrous consequences for American democracy. Here are six of the most blistering lines from Kagan’s dissent:

You can read the majority’s opinion and Kagan’s dissent here.

Source URL: https://portside.org/2019-06-29/justice-kagans-gerrymandering-dissent