Top Cop Kelly: Use Stop-and-Frisk to "Instill Fear" in Black and Latino People
Portside Date:
Author: Robert Gearty and Ginger Adams Otis
Date of source:
New York Daily News

Cops targeted blacks and Latinos as part of their “stop-and-frisk”
policy to “instill fear in them,” NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly
admitted in a private meeting with lawmakers, a state Senator
testified Monday.
State Sen. Eric Adams (D-Brooklyn) testified in Manhattan Federal
Court he “was shocked” when Kelly made the surprise statement during a
2010 meeting in then-Gov. David Paterson’s Manhattan office.
“He stated that he targeted and focused on that group because he
wanted to instill fear in them that every time that they left their
homes they could be targeted by police,” Adams said under questioning
by attorney Jonathan Moore, representing the plaintiffs in a
class-action suit on the controversial practice.
Read more here.