Global Left Midweek - April 22, 2020

- Left Forces Offer Ideas for the Present and Future
- Latin America
- Asia
- UK Labour
- Notes for Covid Webinars
- Legacies
Left Forces Offer Ideas for the Present and Future
Till, Sow and Harvest La Via Campesina (Harare)
A Decade on the Left Leo Panitch / Tribune (London)
This Changes Everything Amandla! (Cape Town)
Philippines: Partido Lakas ng Masa Ang Masa (Quezon City, RP)
South Africa: SAFTU (Johannesburg)
Brazil: Frente Brasil Popular and Frente Povo Sem Medo Links (Sydney)
Romania: BLOC for Housing LeftEast (Bucharest)
From Latin America
Women’s Mass Self-Defense Actions Estefanía Castañeda Pérez / NACLA Report (New York)
Brazil: Compensation for Ashaninka Naira Hofmeister / Mongabay (Menlo Park CA)
Bolivia: Free Elena Flores Peoples Dispatch (New Delhi)
From Asia
South Korea Election Youngsu Won / Links
Domestic Workers in Hong Kong Jason Y. Ng / Hong Kong Free Press
UK Labour Left
Left Groups Network Elliot Chappell / LabourList (London)
A Role for Momentum Johnbosco Nwogbo / Red Pepper (London)
Covid-19 Webinar Resources
Shalmali Guttal / Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (Paris)
Corporations and financial markets must not be bailed out; but public goods, services, infrastructure, health and welfare need to be invested in, including research and development.
Thandika Mkandawire Ibbo Mandaza / The Africa Report (Paris)
Adulkareem Motajo Baba Aye / Baba Aye's (Ferney-Voltaire, France)
Luis Sepúlveda Diego Rivera / Chile Today (Santiago)