REWIND - A Week of Quotes and Cartoons

REWIND- a Week of Quotes and Cartoons
Quote of the Day
April 14, 2013
'One thing that people need to realize about Wall Street and the financial system in general: many of the self-congratulating millionaires and billionaires you read about in the news aren't "self-made" in any real sense, but actually live either directly or indirectly off of your money. The quickest way to extreme wealth in this world is to attach oneself to giant piles of institutional money like public pension funds. The subprime mortgage crisis was fueled in large part by sociopathic hotshots from banks and hedge funds who convinced institutional investors - your corporate retirement fund, your public pension, your union - to buy crappy mortgage-backed securities.'
Author and journalist Matt Taibbi
Rolling Stone
April 13, 2013
Toon of the Day
Thatcher Rain
Matt Bors
Quote of the Day
'There are close and contractual relations among the countries. As I always say, Egypt is respectful country that respects its vows and what it agreed upon willingly. There is an agreement of peace between us and Israel. We will respect it, as long as Israel respects it.
'... We will convey the common feeling in the Arab world, that the peace process has turned into crisis and negotiation management, without reaching peace. This causes a kind of concern and is depressing not only for governments but also the people.
'We need change in this process, [which] has been ongoing for decades, so that we can find concrete results. If this doesn't happen, no one can guarantee what would happen in Palestine and the Arab world'
Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel
Amr on the eve of a visit of a special the Arab
delegation including Egypt that will arrive in
Washington April 29 for a meeting with
President Barack Obama and other U.S.
Egypt Independent
April 14, 2013
Toon of the Day
Being Rich is Taxing
Pat Bagley
Quote of the Day
'Most of the Western world has experienced an increase in inequality in recent decades, though not as much as the United States has. But among most economists there is a general understanding that a country with excessive inequality can't function well; many countries have used their tax codes to help "correct" the market's distribution of wealth and income. The United States hasn't - or at least not very much. Indeed, the low rates at the top serve to exacerbate and perpetuate the inequality - so much so that among the advanced industrial countries, America now has the highest income inequality and the least equality of opportunity. This is a gross inversion of America's traditional meritocratic ideals - ideals that our leaders, across the spectrum, continue to profess.'
Economist Joseph Stiglitz
New York Times
April 14, 2013
Toon of the Day
"We're Busy"
Pat Oliphant
Quote of the Day
'It almost isn't sporting, is it?'
Sir Richard Dearlove, the head
of MI6, the British Secret
Intelligence Service, as he
watched one of the first drone
strikes via satellite at Langley
a few weeks after 9/11.
Quoted in 'The C.I.A.'s Angry
Birds,' by columnist Maureen Dowd
New York Times
April 17, 2013
Toon of the Day
Torture Crimes
Mike Luckovich
Quote of the Day
'I watch TV and read the papers like everyone else. We know what we're going to hear: vague platitudes like "tough vote" and "complicated issue." I was elected six times to represent southern Arizona, in the State Legislature and then in Congress. I know what a complicated issue is; I know what it feels like to take a tough vote. This was neither. These senators made their decision based on political fear and on cold calculations about the money of special interests like the National Rifle Association, which in the last election cycle spent around $25 million on contributions, lobbying and outside spending.'
Gabrielle Giffords, a Democratic
representative from Arizona from
2007 to 2012, a founder of Americans
for Responsible Solutions, which
focuses on gun violence.
New York Times
April 18, 2013
Toon of the Day
Mike Luckovich
April 18 2013
Quote of the Day
'The spokesman for President Hamid Karzai said Thursday that the C.I.A. was responsible for calling in an airstrike on April 7 that left 17 Afghan civilians dead, 12 of them children, and that the secret Afghan militias that the agency controls behaved as if they were “responsible to no one". '
New York TImes
April 19, 2013
Toon of the Day
Backbone Check
Signe Wilkinson
Quote of the Day
'We became the only country on earth that short- circuited broadband development through a tedious, mistaken and totally unnecessary exercise in linguistic analysis. And we have paid for it dearly. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development currently ranks the United States fifteenth in the world in getting broadband out to all our people. Other ratings place us even further down in the rankings. It really doesn’t matter if we are tenth or fifteenth or twentieth; if America is going to dig itself out of the deep hole we are in, we need to be in the broadband vanguard—not so we can pin a gold medal on our chest, but to create jobs, foster competition and open the doors of opportunity to every American.'
'The New Telecom Oligarchs'
Michael J. Copps
The Nation
April 22, 2013
Toon of the Day
Big Tent
Clay Bennett
Chattanooga Times Free Press