Step Up to the Plate
Portside Date:
Author: Editorial
Date of source:
The Observer (Uk)

'Now is the time for the Obama of the campaign trail finally to step up to the plate. He must shed his instinct for caution, get rid of the notion that he can't do anything without Republican support and start to lead the country that elected him. None of the scandals assailing him smacks of Watergate and he must put them behind him. Though Republicans will drag them out as long as they can, he must rise above them and use the clout of his office to bring about real and bold change.

'Immigration reform, climate change, curbing the power of the still-too powerful banks and myriad crises abroad are all in desperate need of action. If he does not, then Obama will have betrayed the hopes for change he once so powerfully embodied. It would be a tragedy. Due to the colour of his skin, Obama will always be a historic American president. But it would be better all around if that fact were because of his actions while in power.'

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