Friday Nite Videos -- June 7, 2013
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Bruce Springsteen, John Fogarty: Fortunate Son
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band with John Fogerty perform Fortunate Son at Madison Square Garden, 25th anniversary Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Concert (2009).

The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

True, amazing and inspirational story of a group of children from a Paraguayan slum who play instruments made entirely of garbage.

Movie: We Steal Secrets
Academy Award-winning documentary filmaker Alex Gibney details the creation of Julian Assange's controversial website WikiLeaks, which facilitated the largest security breach in U.S. history.

Michele Bachmann's Last Term

Michele Bachmann announces her retirement in a web video recorded at the Sears portrait studio.

Ice Age Art
A new exhibition at the British Museum features sculptures made up to 40,000 years ago. Dr. Alice Roberts meets curator Jill Cook to discuss three artefacts in the collection; the Lion Man, a group of female figurines from Siberia, and the oldest known flute. Despite being made thousands of years ago, the objects show that the minds of their creators - our ancestors - were incredibly similar to our own.

Jimmy Cliff: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
We promised this last Friday, but didn't deliver due to a mistaken link. Jimmy Cliff, indomitable voice of The Harder They Come, is perfect performing Bob Dylan's It's a Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall.

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