Friday Nite Videos -- June 28, 2013
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Wendy Davis and Abortion Rights in Texas

Texas lawmaker Wendy Davis filibusters an abortion bill, and Kristen Schaal shares her dream for the future of American women.

How Shoppers React When Food Stamps Run Short

What happens when a single mother runs out of food stamps at the check-out line of a local supermarket? -

'Spouses for life': California's First Post-Prop-8 Wedding

Kris Perry and Sandy Stier become the first same-sex couple in California to legally marry following Supreme Court decisions earlier this week.

10,000 Sing Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy'

An entire stadium full of people participate in performing the final movement of Beethoven's Symphony #9. Yutaka Sado directs.

World War G

Yes, it's the Apocalypse. 'Heterosexuality as we know it will come to an end in 90 days.'

Movie: The Other Son

Two young men, one Israeli and one Palestinian, discover they were accidentally switched at birth. 

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