Global Left Midweek – May 10, 2023

- Labor Offensive in South Korea
- Fighting for the Climate in the Global South
- Dossier: The Working Class Fights Back
- On Sudan
- France: Domination Without Hegemony
- 10 Strategies to Stop War in the Asian Pacific
- Red Surprise in Salzburg
- Colombian President Gustavo Petro Speaks
- Class, Russia, and the Ukraine War
- Amilcar Cabral’s Life and Work
Labor Offensive in South Korea
Myungkyo Hong / Asian Labour Review (Hong Kong)
The recent government and construction companies’ attacks on the Korean Construction Workers Union should be understood in the context of growing union strength and worker power in the construction sector. Against such escalting repression, the labor movement in Korea is not backing down.
Fighting for the Climate in the Global South
- Malaysia: Sustainable Socialism Socialist Party of Malaysia / Think Left (Kuala Lumpur)
- Peru: Forest Defense Olivia Rosane / Common Dreams (Portland ME)
- Uganda Targets Pipeline Protesters John Okot / African Arguments (London)
- Mexico: Against Cartels and Corporations Tamara Pearson / The Real News Network (Baltimore)
- Philippines: Banks and Oil Spill Devastation Patrick Greenfield / The Guardian (London)
- Lula vs Bolsonaro’s Amazon Legacy Owen Schalk / Canadian Dimension (Winnipeg)
Dossier: The Working Class Fights Back
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Berlin)
The cost-of-living crisis and spiralling inflation have sparked an uptick in labour militancy across Europe. Could the working class be gearing up to take the offensive? What kind of strategies will we need to win, and are the trade unions up to the challenge?
- A Sudanese Dream Gilbert Achcar / (London)
- Winners and Losers Ramzy Baroud / CounterPunch (Petrolia CA)
France: Domination Without Hegemony
Filippo Ortona / il manifesto Global (Rome)
There is a deep crisis of the legitimacy of neoliberal policies, which has reached a climax during Macron’s term. His entire presidency has been marked by very strong mobilizations: the Yellow Vests, the 2019 strikes against the previous attempt at pension reform, the refineries, the hospitals, the anti-racist and feminist movements – and, today, this social movement of historic breadth.
10 Strategies to Stop War in the Asian Pacific
Reihana Mohideen / Green Left (Sydney)
The Asia Pacific region has always been important for the US and the Global North imperialist bloc. The “pivot to Asia” strategy and Washington’s foreign policy today is aimed at curbing China’s rising economic weight and its increasing influence in the Asia-Pacific. Washington wants to regain strategic balance through direct competition with China, and worries about China’s new alliances, such as with Russia.
Red Surprise in Salzburg
Federico Fuentes and Christian Zeller / Green Left
Emerging from electoral insignificance, the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) stunned many with its historic vote in the generally conservative Austrian state of Salzburg. Running as KPÖ PLUS, Austria’s Communists obtained an unprecedented 11.7% of the vote in the April 23 state election, up from just 0.4% five years ago.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro Speaks
Pepa Bueno / EL PAÍS (Madrid)
Being the first elected leftist president in Colombia, the spirit of resistance is high, and it comes from very privileged groups, especially because of public money. They have not yet found popular support, but they have received the support of the press [and] with parties trying to win a relative majority in Congress that will prevent the laws of change from being approved.
Class, Russia, and the Ukraine War
Volodymyr Ishchenko / Alameda Institute (London)
Putin is neither a power-hungry maniac, nor an ideological zealot (this kind of politics has been marginal in the whole post-Soviet space), nor a madman. By launching the war in Ukraine, he protects the rational collective interests of the Russian ruling class.
Amilcar Cabral’s Life and Work
Chinedu Chukwudinma interviews António Tomás / Review of African Political Economy (London)
Tomás speaks about Cabral’s political development as well as his abilities as a teacher, revolutionary diplomat and leader. But he also discusses his insecurities, shortcomings and the myths surrounding national liberation in Guinea-Bissau.