Friday Nite Videos | May 12, 2023
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Tuberville on White Nationalists in the Military: "I Call Them Americans"

GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville complained that the Pentagon shouldn't prevent white nationalists from being in the military: "I call them Americans." What an armed society means for America.

The House of the Rising Sun | Wuaquikuna

Brothers Luis and Fabian have devoted their lives to music producing inspired by folklore music. Sixteen years ago they established the group named Wuauquikuna.

MEMORIAL DAY MASSACRE: Workers Die, Film Buried

Film explores the tragic, but largely forgotten, 1937 incident in Chicago when police shot 40 steel workers and supporters (mainly in the back) and killed ten of them. Commentary by Studs Terkel, Howard Zinn, and Gore Vidal.

Native Americans Demand Accountability | Retro Report

Native Americans demand accountability for a federal policy that aimed to erase Indigenous culture. Lesson plan for educators, coming soon.

Where Are All the Denisovans?

In 2010 geneticists uncovered an entirely new branch of human evolution, which they called the Denisovans. Today I make the argument we have found them.

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