Global Left Midweek – Climate Movement All Over
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  1. Kohei Saito’s Marx in the Anthropocene
  2. Extinction Rebellion: Participation, Disruption and Repression
  3. Gender Disparity and Climate
  4. Sustaining the Movement
  5. The Amazon is Key
  6. Kenyan Environmentalists Defend Forests
  7. Aboriginal Australians Defeat Nuclear Dump
  8. Protecting the Pacific
  9. Turkish Women Stand Against Forest Destruction
  10. Calling a Halt to Ontario’s Mining Boom

Kohei Saito’s Marx in the Anthropocene

Andrew Ahern / Los Angeles Review of Books

The parallel between the advance of capitalism and the rise of the Anthropocene is well documented—some simply call it the Capitalocene—and yet, despite occasional critiques, few or none of the mainstream environmentalist organizations call for the overthrow of the capitalist system. Do they think that capitalism can be greened?

Extinction Rebellion: Participation, Disruption and Repression

Gender Disparity and Climate

Adrian Murdoch / Capital Monitor (London)

Organisations must prioritise gender equality to support progress towards net-zero, according to new research. Although all-too-little has still been done about it, the link between gender and climate change is not news. Women remain on the front line of climate change. Higher temperatures have a negative impact on the working hours of low-skilled labour, especially among women.

Sustaining the Movement

Charlie Wood / Waging Nonviolence (Brooklyn)

The Australian climate movement faces challenges in recruiting and retaining staff and volunteers with the skills, experience and capacities needed for climate justice work. In fact, this was the top organizational challenge named by groups after financial stability, which is saying something for a heavily under-resourced sector.

The Amazon is Key

Kenyan Environmentalists Defend Forests

Victor Abuso / The Africa Report (Paris)

Environmental activists in Kenya have rejected President William Ruto’s announcement of lifting a six-year ban on logging in forests. They warn the decision, if not reconsidered, will have devastating consequences on the environment, including rivers in forests that would go dry if the tree cover was razed.

Aboriginal Australians Defeat Nuclear Dump

Dr Jim Green / The Ecologist (Bideford UK)

Bipartisan efforts by successive federal governments to impose a national nuclear waste dump on the land of Barngarla Aboriginal traditional owners in South Australia have been upended by a federal court decision in favour of the Barngarla people.

Protecting the Pacific

James Tababa / Manila Report

On June 29 at the Pandesal Forum of Kamuning Bakery Cafe in Quezon City, various fishermen and environmentalist groups gathered to express their opposition to the controversial plan by the Japanese government which involves the impending dumping of 1.3 million tons of Fukushima nuclear wastewaters into the Pacific Ocean. 

Turkish Women Stand Against Forest Destruction

Arzu Geybullayeva / Global Voices (Amsterdam)

Some 300 organizations have rallied behind the call by residents of Turkey’s southwestern province of Muğla, to stop any mining activities in the area. Environmental activists, representatives of opposition political parties, and nature conservation organizations have been holding a vigil in the area. Local police have used force, tear gas, and water cannons against them.

Ontario’s Mining Boom and the New Cold War

Owen Schalk / Canadian Dimension (Winnipeg)

A central focus of the Ford government is exploiting the “Ring of Fire” region in the northern James Bay Lowlands, despite the resistance of Indigenous nations there. These nations assert that the provincial government has failed in its consultation duties, and that its drive to exploit the area’s minerals is endangering the region’s peatlands.

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