Friday Nite Videos Special | 6/24/2023: Songs of Solidarity
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Solidarity Forever With the United Auto Workers

Rockin' Solidarity arranged and performed by Dave Welsh (vocals) featuring Reed Fromer on piano. Freedom Song Network chorus.

Victor Jara | Manifiesto (with English Subtitles)

The last song Victor Jara ever wrote. The great Chilean singer/songwriter Jara was killed in the Santiago Stadium 40 years ago, on Sept. 15, 1973.

Writers' Guild of America Strike Song

Writers Guild of America on strike. What does that mean? Listen to learn more!

GmacCash | On Strike (UAW)

Rapper Gmac Cash is an artist who has not only proven he can rap, but he makes you laugh while doing it.

Lisa Simpson's Union Strike Folk Song | Dan Cribbs

Union Strike Folk Song from Dan Cribb and David Novak's album Worst Tribute Ever

Paul Robeson | "Joe Hill"

The towering cultural and political figure, Paul Robeson, memorializes a great labor organizer and martyr in song

Why Auto Workers Are Striking

Auto workers are fighting for a 40% pay increase — the same raise that Ford, Stellantis & GM CEOs have seen over the past 4 years.  

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