Global Left Midweek – November 1, 2023
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  1. The Imperial System
  2. More Blowback from Israel’s War on Palestine
  3. Latin America Reports
  4. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Leader on Linke Breakaway
  5. Africa Reports
  6. Ukrainian Communists at the 23rd International Meeting of CPs
  7. Asia Reports
  8. The Left’s New Impact in Poland
  9. Bello on the Fall of Allende
  10. The Long Goodbye to Colonialism

The Imperial System

Claudio Katz and Federico Fuentes / Links (Sydney)

Imperialism ensures that capitalism works in three ways. In the economic sphere, it is a mechanism by which capitalists in core countries expropriate resources from periphery countries. In the geopolitical sphere, it is a mechanism for settling rivalries between competing powers over market dominance. And in the political sphere, it is a mechanism that safeguards the oppressors’ interests. 

More Blowback from Israel’s War on Palestine

Latin America Reports

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Leader on Linke Breakaway

Heinz Bierbaum and Loren Balhorn / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Berlin)

Sahra Wagenknecht, previously Die Linke’s parliamentary co-speaker and one of its best-known faces, announced her resignation from the party together with nine other MPs. The split in Die Linke brings years of internal conflict to an end and offers the party the chance to move on. But their departure will also downgrade Die Linke’s parliamentary privileges and with that significant resources.

Africa Reports

Ukrainian Communists at the 23rd International Meeting of CPs

Union of Communists of Ukraine /

The principles of internationalism, formally proclaimed in party documents, are completely forgotten in practice, as it happened with a number of the parties in the Russian Federation that supported and continue supporting the ruling class in its bloody adventure, which turned into a real war against the Ukrainian people, and in fact, against the working masses of Russia too.

Asia Reports

The Left’s New Impact in Poland

Roman Broszkowski / Jacobin (New York)

The broad opposition won Poland’s recent election, ousting the far-right incumbents. Left-wing alliance Lewica expects a junior role in the next government — but it must use its influence to avoid the failures of past neoliberal administrations.

Bello on the Fall of Allende

Walden Bello / Foreign Policy in Focus (Washington DC)

Contrary to the prevailing explanations of the coup, which attributed Pinochet’s success to U.S. intervention and the CIA, the counterrevolution was already there prior to the U.S. destabilization efforts; it was largely determined by internal class dynamics; and even without the help of Washington, the Chilean elites found a formidable ally in terrified middle-class sectors.

The Long Goodbye to Colonialism

Amy Hall / The New Internationalist (Oxford)

Corporations are only able to source the essential ingredient that helped to build their business thanks to the colonial system – one which was based on the extraction and exploitation of people, resources and the earth. The same system remains today, albeit in a different guise.

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