Friday Nite Videos -- July 19, 2013
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President Obama Speaks on Trayvon Martin
President Obama makes a statement about Trayvon Martin and the verdict of the court trial that followed the Florida teenager's death.

Food Stamp Funding
Republicans show they are willing to compromise on the farm bill by eliminating the part they refused to compromise on.

Rachel Jeantel Interview On Piers Morgan CNN
Rachel Jeantel Interview On Piers Morgan CNN After George Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict. July 15, 2013.

Back in Black - New York Versus Texas
Rick Perry tries luring New York businesses to Texas. Really, you tawkin' to us? New Yorkers have a word for him.

If God Came Back
God said, 'I made the earth for you. What have you done with it?' John Roney animates a riff from Louis CK's Beacon Theater concert.

Judy Collins -- Both Sides Now
A good song for a time that needs reflection. Judy Collins (1969 -- Clouds album) sings Joni Mitchell's classic (and the closing song for the season finale of Mad Men). 

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