Global Left Midweek – December 13, 2023

- Euro Labor Confronts EU on Austerity
- Peru Rages On
- Tesla Strike Gets Transnational Support
- Can Guatemalans Save Their Democratic Elections?
- Thinking About China
- Mandela’s Many Aspects
- Germany in Focus
- A Global Inspiration in Pakistan
- Māori Protesters: NZ Going Backwards
- Greta Thunberg: No Climate Justice Without Human Rights
Euro Labor Confronts EU on Austerity
Julia Conley / Common Dreams (Portland ME)
Labor leaders in the European Union on Tuesday estimated that 15,000 people from across the bloc had traveled to central Brussels to march against austerity measures expected to go into effect after the New Year, with workers demanding fair wages and sufficient funding for public services.
Peru Rages On
Susanna De Guio / openDemocracy (London)
One year after protests in Peru were violently suppressed in the wake of president Pedro Castillo’s dismissal from office, demonstrations are taking place again. The search for truth and justice is among the main demands for the protests in Lima and across the country. But demonstrators also want to see the resignation of Castillo’s replacement Dina Boluarte and a fresh election.
Sweden: Tesla Strike Gets Transnational Support
- IF Metall vs Elon Musk Gunhild Wallin / Nordic Labour Journal (Oslo)
- Scandinavian Unions Back Strike Pete Syme / Business Insider (New York)
Can Guatemalans Save Their Democratic Elections?
Graciela Mochkofsky / The New Yorker
As autocrats are being voted into office across the region and the world, Guatemala, a country with a long history of dictatorships and corrupt governments, is fighting to insure a victory for democracy. In an unprecedented step, the protests are being led by Indigenous communities, who lost more than a hundred thousand people in a three-decade-long genocidal war, from 1960 to 1996.
Thinking About China
- China’s Left Christopher Connery And Ralf Ruckus / Made In China (Canberra)
- A New Strike Wave Haoju Lu / Global Labour Column (Johannesburg)
- A View From Hong Kong Federico Fuentes and Au Loong-yu / Links (Sydney)
- A View From Taiwan Filip Noubel / Global Voices (Amsterdam)
- Death of a Premier Oiwan Lam / Global Voices
Mandela’s Many Aspects
Dale T. McKinley / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Berlin)
The contradictory nature of Mandela’s post-1994 political and ideological journey parallels the first few years of South Africa’s democratic transition. He played a central role in introducing and institutionally managing a trade-off: namely, the gaining of democratic legitimacy alongside political control of the state without a corresponding transformation of the socio-economic base.
Germany in Focus
- LINKE Conference Cornelia Hildebrandt / transform! Europe (Vienna)
- Fighting Neofascism Thomas Klikauer / Cross-border Talks (Warsaw)
- Germany’s Pro-Israel Antifascists James Jackson / Novara Media (London)
- West and East Today Neal Ascherson / London Review of Books
- Berlin Pride M.G. Zimeta / London Review of Books
A Global Inspiration in Pakistan
Freshta Jalalzai / The Diplomat (Washington)
Manzoor Ahmad Pashteen, recognized for his iconic red hat and outspoken criticism of Pakistan’s powerful military for inciting violence and instilling fear in the Pashtun lands, went missing on December 4. Pashteen, the leader of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement – a civil rights movement advocating for the rights of the Pashtun ethnic group – was arrested after addressing a rally in Balochistan.
Māori Protesters: NZ Going Backwards
George Heagney / Stuff (Wellington)
Māori and non Māori held protest events across the country on Tuesday morning, part of a National Māori Action Day, in response to policies from the new rightist-led Government. Demonstrators oppose removing co-governance, introducing a Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill and repealing the Smokefree 2025 law.
Greta Thunberg: No Climate Justice Without Human Rights
Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future Sweden / The Guardian (London)
Fridays for Future has not “been radicalised” or “become political”. We have always been political, because we have always been a movement for justice. Standing in solidarity with Palestinians and all affected civilians has never been in question for us.