Nation’s Largest Union Retaliates Against Staff Union With Lockout for Ulp Strike
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NEASO The NEA Staff Union

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest union, locked out its staff union in retaliation for engaging in legally protected concerted labor actions with a 3-day Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike in Philadelphia, July 5–7. The National Education Association Staff Organization (NEASO), representing employees at the NEA headquarters in Washington, recently filed two ULPs with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) accusing NEA of wage theft and the failure to provide information requested by the staff union on outsourcing more than $50 million of bargaining-unit work to contractors. NEA defines a ULP as a violation of collective bargaining laws giving employees the right to a union and engaging in union activities without fear of retaliation. Labor law also requires unions and employers to bargain in good faith.

The following statement can be attributed to NEASO President Robin McLean

“Striking in response to Unfair Labor Practices is a time-honored, legally protected concerted work action and a cornerstone of the labor movement, as well as workers’ federal right. NEA management’s punitive lockout of its own employees is a dangerous, reckless, and reactionary move that undermines the rights of every union worker in this country. The handful of people who are tasked with running the National Education Association are trying to strongarm its staff union into accepting a successor collective bargaining agreement by using intimidation and threats. These are clear union-busting techniques that will not be tolerated. I cannot imagine it lands well that the nation’s largest union is locking out its staff union. NEA’s illegal retaliation efforts against its staff will send ripple effects through the progressive and anti-labor causes. What does that mean for a so-called labor union to treat hardworking people like this?

“NEASO does not respond to threats and intimidation. We engage in good-faith bargaining and invite NEA President Becky Pringle and NEA Executive Director Kim Anderson to join us by acting in the best interest of NEA members.”

NEASO is still negotiating with NEA Management over a successor agreement. The three-year contract covers everything from employee salaries and healthcare benefits to retirement security and healthy working environments to telework policies and probationary terms changes. In late April, NEASO members voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike to secure a fair and just successor contract that reflects the shared union values that brought them to work on behalf of 3 million NEA members. The NEASO Board of Directors requested the strike authorization vote because of NEA Management’s continuous pattern of starting negotiations in bad faith when presented with commonsense contract proposals and paltry concession offerings at the bargaining table. In its last three contract negotiations with its union staff, NEA has bargained in this fashion. NEASO’s contract expired on May 31, 2024.

You can read more personal accounts from NEASO members and find all the latest news on pickets, strike authorization, and solidarity pledges at 

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The members of the NEASO advance the work of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, championing justice and excellence in public education. We help educators bargain for fair contracts, advocate for their students, and grow professionally. Go to and learn more.

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