Tidbits – Aug. 15 – Reader Comments: Harris-Walz, the Grassroots; Progressive History: Camp Wo-Chi-Ca; UAW Hits Trump, Musk With Federal Labor Charges; Ukraine War; Take Action: Ensure UNRWA Funding Is Restored; Honoring Legacy of Jesse Jackson, Sr.

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Re: Can Tim Walz Help the Democrats Win Back Rural America?

If Harris/Walz secure the battlegrounds, I think they could go to Utah. Mormons believe in the value of character, and it's hard to find worse character than Trump. They vote for him because he's conservative, but they must not like him. Harris and Walz are not conservative, but they are certainly of very good character. And how about going to Montana to shore up Jon Tester, and perhaps put Montana over the line to Democrat. With some horrible stuff Project 2025 has planned to steal the election, if necessary, a landslide would be helpful.

There is a very energetic union leader in Nebraska, running as an independent against Republican senator Deb Fischer. He is Dan Osborn, and he would caucus with the Democrats. Nebraska is Tim Walz's original home. It may be a little of a longshot, but I think Missouri could be in play, and Kamala and Tim could help Mr. Kunce become senator. The main point is that I think we should realize what great candidates we have for President and VP, and dare to go beyond just winning. We have to stop Trump's attempted coup, and one way that would help is overwhelming support for the Democratic ticket.

Jon Tetherly


Re: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Need the Grassroots

I’d rather this than trump but I’m curious how you’re gonna get enough of a truly grassroots organizing campaign while Biden continues to arm Israel against innocents and Harris refuses to support an arms embargo. Seems like a nonstarter.

Dustianne North
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Crowd Envy  --  Cartoon by Rob Rogers


Rob Rogers
August 13, 2024


Re: The History of Camp Wo-Chi-Ca

In the McCarthyite 50's the American Friends Service Committee served a similar purpose for teenagers with youth work camps and seminars educating and socializing children of the Left. If anyone reading this was part of those (as was I) please contact me!

Carolyn Toll Oppenheim
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


My mother was first a camper and then a counselor at Wo-Chi-Ca. It's where she met Charles White, Jacob Lawrence and others, many, many years ago.

Geoff Mirelowitz
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Yes, Jacob Lawrence is another great one, the confluence of arts and politics. Love the works of Charles White and Jacob Lawrence— so inspired!

Yvonne Julien Cooper
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


“Wo-Chi-Ca would not survive the 1950s. After years of harassment from the local Ku Klux Klan and other vigilante groups, the camp changed its name to Wyandot and moved to Kingston, New York. Beset by continued harassment and structural problems, it ceased to function by 1954.”

I went to Camp Wyandot in 1951. I have a book, now out of print: “Tales of Wo-Chi-Ca.”

Abby Pinard
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


They Got Money For War...But Can't Feed The Poor



Re: UAW Hits Trump, Musk With Federal Labor Charges Over Effort To ‘Intimidate Workers’

I just saw that clip of Trump laughing with Elon Musk about firing striking workers. Two selfish immature spoiled rich guys. Musk is giving megabucks to the Trump campaign.

Sonia Cobbins
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Elon Musk, Capitalists and Fascists  --  Meme


People's Chancellor - Economics For The Many
August 11, 2024
Post on Facebook


New Use for Trump Ear Bandages  --  Cartoon by Dr. James MacLeod


Dr. James MacLeod
August 11, 2024


Re: Academic Journals Are a Lucrative Scam

Yes they are.  I freely admit to not always agreeing with Portside, but here, you are 100% spot on.  I know this territory all too well, having been through this labyrinth of seeking academic / scientific books, often $150 - $200, or more.  I understand these are low volume publications, so the cost can be a bit higher than standard commercial hard copy books, but the price inflation for these books, especially the electronic versions, has become beyond ridiculous. 

If there is some type of alternative solution for this being developed, you definitely have my vote.

The cost of education in general has become beyond ridiculous, but that's for another discussion.
If Kamala does become the next president, this is the type of issue she might want to be looking at.



Re: How San Francisco Longshoremen Made Their Union a Powerhouse

(posting on Portside Labor)

Thank you for reprinting Peter's article! 

Perhaps more labor unions today will take a stand on issues of war and peace..

Tim Sheard
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: Teamsters’ Black Caucus Defies Leadership With Harris Endorsement

(posting on Portside Labor)

Sean O'Brien is going to be a short term Irish labor leader.  The times they are a'changin.

Steve Zahurak


Re: A Ukrainian-Russian Border Plebiscite? Anyone Got a Better Idea?

Portside must believe that this article has enough merit to present it for consideration. Tom Gallagher, for one, obviously believes that a UN-held plebiscite decision on the "border dispute" would hold weight with Putin.

Let's start where this article does not. There was no border dispute. That was an entirely fabricated pretense. Putin had Russian forces invade at the eastern border to seize Ukraine's substantial oil, gas, and coal cache in and around Donetsk. Covid had hit Russia hard, Siberian gas transport was committed at great expense for transport to China, and Putin's treasury was depleted. Russia was not awarded oil and gas contracts by Ukraine after independence. Russian activists were installed in the east to terrorize mine worker families. Dangerous conditions forced Western oil and gas investors to abandon their stakes. Putin simply decided to steal from another bordering sovereign neighbor by doing the unthinkable, again. It worked for him in Crimea in 2014.

In the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, Ukraine turned over its Soviet-installed nukes to Russia in exchange for security assurances--a pledge by the US, UK, France and Russia to support Ukraine in the event of an invasion. So, would any UN-conducted plebiscite be honored by the war criminal who is now even more desperate to restore Russia's sole economy of oil and gas?

Any plebiscite along the eastern border would be no different than previous Russian-held votes on allegiance. The region, where both Ukrainians and Russians once lived peacefully within Ukraine's territory, has been terrorized and oppressed. People have been conditioned to report on their neighbors under grave threats, and Russian operatives would have no difficulty determining who votes how. The outcome is clear to anyone raised in a Ukrainian family, who well knows what oppression by Russian rule means. And if ever held, Putin would only be rewarded for having invaded, and be given what never belonged to Russia. Further, it's not the Russian residents there who would benefit--it's Putin and his oligarchs.

Gallagher has bought the false argument that because Ukraine was under Soviet rule for nearly a century, it must belong to, or have meshed with, the invaders. Would he say the same if the US were to be overtaken and run by China for decades, just because Americans would then be forced to work with their oppressors? I was raised in a Canadian/Ukrainian community in the 50's and 60's, and no refugee who endured the generations of brutality that began in 1917, would ever agree with him. Nor would any of Ukrainian heritage agree with him today. Independence was long sought and cherished, though it was unfortunately tenuously kept after 1994 because of lingering Soviet era influences--the kind that Putin and his oil and gas oligarch buddies perpetuated.

Gallagher claims that many more than MTG do not support the US position on Ukraine, but he is a Republican, a Trump supporter, who blindly maintain that his sovereign nation should acquiesce to dictators like Putin. And to Trump, of course.

What is Portside thinking by giving voice to anyone who supports a racist, misogynist felon? What's next here? Why not give voice to the wanna-be dictator himself, or would that be too obvious? 

Natalia Kuzmyn


Re: This Week in People’s History, Aug. 14–20

Excellent and fun informative reading!

Peter Kinoy


Vance, Friend to Women  --  Cartoon by Jen Sorensen



Most people have heard about Vance’s “childless cat ladies” comment, but did you know he has used it on multiple occasions, and rudely insulted people who don’t have kids at least 13 other times, including in fundraising emails? He’s called childless people “sociopathic,” and the Democrats a “childless cabal of people who don’t really care about the future.” Over and over again, he uses this line about “people who don’t have a direct stake in the country’s future,” as though it’s impossible to care about anyone else besides your own offspring. Which is just bizarre if you ask me. Ironically enough, it is fossil fuel-supported politicians like Vance dooming the earth for future generations.

Keep this work sustainable by joining the Sorensen Subscription Service! Also on Patreon.

Jen Sorensen
August 7, 2024


Take Action Now to Ensure UNRWA Funding is Restored! Support the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act


Palestinians in Gaza are still facing unimaginable violence and suffering every day, yet the U.S. continues to pause its funding to UNRWA — the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

A new bill expected to be introduced in the House soon could restore U.S. funding to UNRWA and provide crucial humanitarian relief to Palestinians in Gaza facing starvation & disease due to Israel's U.S.-funded genocide — but we have to act fast.

But we can change this – a new bill in Congress would restore U.S. funding to UNRWA.

Urge your U.S. House Representative: Co-sponsor the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act NOW. 

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) — estimates that over two million Palestinians in Gaza currently rely on them "for their sheer survival."3

After a brief and temporary funding pause by other nations earlier this year, all have now resumed funding to UNRWA, including the United Kingdom, the European Union, Japan, Australia, Germany, Sweden, and Canada. 

All, that is, except for the United States

Send a letter to Congress now  - Click here

This is a disgrace — but we can move to fix it. 

Urge your U.S. House Representative: Co-sponsor the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act NOW.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) estimates that over two million Palestinians in Gaza currently rely on them “for their sheer survival.” [1]

After a brief funding pause by other nations earlier this year, all have resumed funding to UNRWA. (That includes the United Kingdom, the European Union, Japan, Australia, Germany, Sweden, and Canada.) All, that is, except for the United States.

A House bill to finally restore US funding to UNRWA is being introduced soon by Reps. André Carson, Pramila Jayapal and Jan Schakowsky.

It already has more than 50 original cosponsors, including Reps. Rosa DeLauro, Summer Lee, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Pocan and Rashida Tlaib.

We need to build on that momentum.

The best way to show support for UNRWA and the people of Gaza right now, is to call on your Member of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives to co-sponsor the UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act.

Please — do so now.


  1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-25/unrwa-how-israel-complaints-and-us-funding-boycott-leave-gaza-aid-uncertain

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Israel/Palestine: A Brief Framing - 7th Edition


Our hearts are breaking as Palestine & Israel decline further into the anguish and horrors of oppression and war.

Many of our members have been helping provide moral and practical support for villagers in the West Bank. Some of our members helped edit our newly revised primer.

Our hearts are breaking as Palestine & Israel decline further into the anguish and horrors of oppression and war.

Many of our members have been helping provide moral and practical support for villagers in the West Bank. Some of our members helped edit our newly revised primer. Thank you for the ongoing support.


Our hearts are breaking as Palestine & Israel decline further into the anguish and horrors of oppression and war.

Many of our members have been helping provide moral and practical support for villagers in the West Bank. Some of our members helped edit our newly revised primer. Thank you for the ongoing support.

Israel/Palestine: A Brief Framing is now available for download with a new section on the events of the past ten months. Please circulate the link to your friends and colleagues.

There will be no winners to this war - only death and destruction. Do your bit to help. Join us as a Green Olive Member and stand for democracy, justice and peace.
BECOME A MEMBER NOW. Help bring hope.

If you prefer, please make a one-time contribution at this link. Your support is critical at this time.

In Peace and Solidarity

Fred Schlomka          Jehanne Ela
       co-Managing Partners

Israel/Palestine: A Brief Framing

Equip yourself with foundational knowledge in the history and politics of the region. This primer outlines the major political movements and events that lead to the current reality in Israel and Palestine, including:

A brief but comprehensive overview of the development of Israel and Palestine in the past 150 years.

Green Olive Collective Inc
+ 972-3-721-9540

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Jerusalem 9101001


Our Time Has Come: Honoring the Legacy of Jesse Jackson, Sr.  --  Chicago  --  August 18


Honoring the Legacy of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.

August 18, 2024 | 6:00PM CT

We’re excited to announce that Senator Bernie Sanders will be joining The Nation’s tribute event to the life, legacy and political work of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. in Chicago in the cusp of the Democratic National Convention. In partnership with the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, we’re bringing together an extraordinary lineup of speakers to celebrate Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr’s legacy on Sunday, August 18 at 6PM CT at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition headquarters in Chicago.

The event is free but registration is required.

Register Now  

Hosted by Nation National Affairs Correspondent John Nichols, guest speakers include Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Maxine Waters, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Ro Khanna, Rep. Jamie Raskin, Rep. Jonathan Jackson, D.D. Guttenplan, Larry Cohen, James Zogby and Katrina vanden Heuvel, as well as a special appearance by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.

This promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime event. If you’ll be in Chicago, sign up here!

Register Now  

The Nation  
520 8th Ave
New York, NY 10018


Source URL: https://portside.org/2024-08-15/tidbits-aug-15-reader-comments-harris-walz-grassroots-progressive-history-camp-wo-chi-ca