Tidbits – Aug. 22 – Reader Comments: Harris-Walz Campaign, Democratic National Convention and Gaza, Palestinian Voters, Uncommitted Voters, Youth Voters; Public Rail Now Campaign; New Resources To Teach About Central America; Cartoons; More…

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Re: Harris Should Take Divisions Over Gaza Seriously

I’m sure she’s taking them very seriously. She also has to win the election in order to have any influence on this matter. Express all this - but use common sense. A win for Trump will obliterate Palestinians and any chance for peace. Act judiciously.

Susan Sherrell
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Trump  --  Cartoon by Vasco Gargalo


Vasco Gargalo
November 4, 2020
Cartoon Movement


Drop War  -- The Art of Bansky


The Art of Bansky
August 15, 2024


Re: Harris Can Change Biden’s Policy on Israel Just by Upholding the Law

I have been saying the same thing since the Clinton years and its still very applicable,

The new President, should be fully prepared and have all the ducks in a row, so that immediately after being sworn in, fully join the International Criminal Court". It would always have shown the world that the US was now ready to meet International standards and law regarding domestic and international issues. If Harris, or whoever is elected President, were to do that we would HAVE TO stop sending weapons to Israel.

Too bad we hadn't joined before Netanyahu left this country several weeks ago. Imagine if we had joined ICC when Netanyahu was here.

Arlene Halfon


Re: Keith Ellison Knows Peace in Gaza Is Possible, and He Wants Democrats To Talk About Achieving It

We will have to think, strategize and spend for peace with the same level of skill and commitment we have used for "solving problems" with bombs, aircraft carriers, war planes and bases. The short term profits will be lost for some. Too darn bad. All people and the planet will benefit now and in the future.

Sonia Cobbins
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: ‘History Is Watching’: Gaza Doctors Urge Harris To Back Israel Arms Embargo at Democratic Convention

Her spokesperson already said she is against an embargo, and now the DNC is refusing to let one Palestinian be American speak at the convention. The uncommitted delegates staged a sit-in last night. Speakers included Republicans and a former CEO of American Express.

Wendy Krasnoff
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


When Wars End  --  Poem by Seymour Joseph


We are caught between two wars: Gaza and Ukraine. Neither one appears to be near conclusion. We can assign blame, as we should, but it doesn't mitigate the cost in lives and destruction.

We had hoped after World War II, with the establishment of the United Nations, that this would be the end of war anywhere in the world. How wrong we were. And it made me wonder whether the human race is capable of living at peace. This was the subject of the poem below, which I wrote years ago.

When the Wars End

When the wars end,
and the moans of the dying cease,
and the last dead soldier is laid to rest,
will we know how to cope with peace?

When the wars end,
and the birds fly free through clean air,
and the scarred earth begins to heal,
will it flourish in our care?

When the wars end,
will the hostility instilled in us be purged away?
Is it easier to end wars than fear and suspicion?
What will it be like that day?

When the wars end,
and history’s empty pages await our text,
will they be filled with wonders or blunders?
Our hands and hearts hold what’s next.


Re: The Past Is Not Always Our Guide

We imported Rock Against Racism to the USA.

Zvi Baranoff
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Protests  --  Cartoon by Rob Rogers


"The protesters have hit the streets of Chicago. Historically, there always seem to be larger protest rallies at the DNC than the RNC. I wonder why. Maybe it's because protesters know that Dems believe in the First Amendment and are more open to hearing and caring about what they think. Either way, I'm sure it burns Trump."

Rob Rogers
August 20, 2024


Re: Arizona’s Abortion Rights Showdown As Record-Breaking Support Puts Proposition 139 on November Ballot

The political possibilities of the Arizona Abortion rights referendum are intriguing. Will abortion rights voters 61% of Arizona voters turn out anti abortion legislators & other ultra right office holders? Can we help our allies in Arizona make abortion rights a litmus test? Thanks to Portside for sending this around.

Daniel Millstone
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Shipshape  --  Cartoon by Mike Luckovich


Mike Luckovich
August 22,  2024
Atlanta Journal-Constitution


Re: Bring American Communists out of the Shadows — and Closets

My great grandmother was a communist. She was born and raised in Polonne in what is now Ukraine, and she was a Menshevik (she was Jewish, as was Julius Martov, the leader of the Mensheviks). She came to the USA shortly after the Bolshevik revolution. She was named as a Communist in testimony to the House Unamerican Activities Committee in 1949.

Gabriel Rockman
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: The History of Camp Wo-Chi-Ca

Extensions of Camp Wo-Chi-Ca after the summer were the weekly or biweekly AYD (American Youth for Democracy) square dance and song sessions at the Fur Workers' hall in New York in 1944-1945, where Irwin Silber called the square dances and we sang the songs of Pete, Woody and the Almanacs, Paul Robeson and the great German anti-fascist (and Communist) Ernst Busch, who recorded – during bombing  in Barcelona - the Spanish Civil War songs later known world-wide.

Among those dancing along, and still singing an hour or so afterwards, were Tom Paley, later of New Lost City Ramblers, Ernie Lieberman, Bobbie Nemiroff (later Lorraine Hansberry's husband). And also, not so melodiously but just as enthusiastically, was me – influenced musically and politically for a lifetime. Seven years later, thanks to destiny (and McCarthy), I landed in East Germany (GDR) where, in a radio series, I introduced songs and singers like Pete and Woody to a very different but very appreciative audience.

I never got to go to Wo-Chi-Ca – but to Manumit Camp, very good, also definitely leftist, but not so blessed with singing or dancing talent.

Victor Grossman, 


Next Available Medical Appointment  --  Cartoon by Bizarro




Greeting huge crowds, Trump tells MAGATs to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears  --  Cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz



Lalo Alcaraz
August 17, 2024


Re: Zelensky Advisor on the Goals of Ukraine’s Incursion Into Russia

Incredible... Portside is still rooting for NATO and US imperialism! You are soon to meet a rude awakening.

Alan Hart
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: I Spent a Week With Black Republicans

(Posting on Friday Nite Videos)

I am only 4 minutes into your video about Black Republicans. You seemed confused by Topher’s explanation of individualism. I wanted to try to clarify what I believe him to be saying.

The “Mount Rushmore of black collective power” as you put it was at odds with your “rigid” idea of individualism. I believe he is saying the individualism in the sense of operating solely from your own personal efforts, separate from government, independent FROM GOVERNMENT, not necessarily as a lone man, though some feel that’s best for them too. If FREEDOM COMES WITH RESPONSIBILITY, it’s an attitude of not being afraid of responsibility! It’s admirable. Not wanted hand outs from government, not wanting government overreach, not wanting the government’s hand in your pocket. Black people are more than capable of leading their own lives. He believes in black people’s ability to thrive without government intervention or assistance.



Jesus and the Den of Thieves  --  Cartoon by Dr. James MacLeod


Dr. James MacLeod
August 15, 2024


Public Rail Now Campaign  --  Donate Today and Double Your Impact  (The Hungarian Literature Fund)


We have an extraordinary opportunity ahead of us. A generous donor has offered to match every dollar raised for our *Public Rail Now* documentary, up to $1,500. This means that from August 10 thru September 1, every contribution to our GoFundMe campaign will be doubled, thanks to the support of the Hungarian Literature Fund.

The Hungarian Literature Fund was founded in 1956 to support the publication and distribution of labor literature. Since 1985, the HLF has produced the Solidarity Forever Labor History Calendar, which has been used as a fundraising tool for many labor organizations. The 2025 edition will be hitting the presses soon; check out https://joehill100.com/product/2025-solidarity-forever-labor-history-calendar/ for ordering information.

This matching gift gives us a unique chance to double our impact, but we have only a few short weeks to make it happen. Can we count on you to help us seize this moment? Every dollar you contribute will be matched, doubling your support for public rail in the U.S.

Let's make the most of this incredible opportunity together! 

Click here to help us meet our goal. 

About the project: Our goal is to create an engaging 60-minute documentary by mid-September to early October. This video will serve as an essential educational tool to grow our coalition for public rail ownership, educate workers, and raise awareness among all those affected by the current rail system.

We already have a strong foundation with our Public Rail Now website, the FAQ list, white paper, a legal analysis, and soon-- an economic study! However, this documentary will be a vital addition to our resources, amplifying our message and impact.

Can you help us reach our $4,000 goal to make this vision a reality? Every contribution brings us closer to transforming the U.S. rail system for the better.

Thank you for your support!

To get more involved in our campaign, please click here

Contact us: 314-884-8233 • publicrailnow@gmail.com


150 New Resources to Teach About Central America  (Teaching for Change)


With fear-mongering about immigration amplified in this election season, this year’s Teach Central America Week (October 7–11) will be more important than ever.

To prepare, we added 150 new resources to the Teaching Central America site. This is thanks to the dedicated efforts of summer 2024 interns Olvin Abrego Ayala and Eli Hertzler-McCain, along with advisors Marcy Campos and Miriam Elizabeth Villanueva.

We added:

Our network grew this summer as our program specialist Jonathan Peraza Campos offered workshops at convenings in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Nashville, and Tucson.

To stay up to date with our Teach Central America campaign, sign up for the periodic newsletter

On this 35th anniversary of Teaching for Change, help us reach more teachers with these unique resources on Central America. Give today.

Subscribe to Newsletter - Click here

Make a Donation - Click here

Teaching for Change
PO Box 73038
Washington, DC 20056

Source URL: https://portside.org/2024-08-22/tidbits-aug-22-reader-comments-harris-walz-campaign-democratic-national-convention-and