Friday Nite Videos | August 23, 2024
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How the Democratic Message Is Shrinking Donald Trump

Kamala Harris and her allies have refined their attack on Donald Trump to minimize and disengage from him

Palestinian American Lawmaker Gives Speech the DNC Wouldn't Allow on Stage

Georgia state Representative Ruwa Romman reads the speech she would have given on the convention floor had the DNC and the Harris campaign allowed her onstage

Undecided Voters Say Harris' Speech Made Up Their Minds

Undecided voters in Pennsylvania talk to CNN’s Gary Tuchman on the final day of the Democratic National Convention and share their thoughts.

Law and Order: The Case of Donald Trump

Democratic Convention airs new ad calling out Trump for being a convicted criminal

Single Use Planet | Documentary

A flood of single-use, disposable plastic debris ends in the ocean. A search for the true headwaters of the plastic flood finds more than it bargained for.

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