Tidbits – Sept. 19 – Reader Comments: Lies About Haitian Immigrants; Rev. Barber; Readers Disagree on Ranked Choice Voting; Leonard Peltier’s Continued Imprisonment; Govt Knew Ethel Rosenberg Not Spy; Find Affordable Child Care Near You; More…

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Raining Lies  --  Cartoon by Pat Bagley

Pat Bagley
September 16, 2024
The Salt Lake Tribune


Who The Hell Is Responsible  --  Cartoon by Dr. James MacLeod


Dr. James MacLeod
September 16,  2024


Re: US Working Class ‘Overwhelmingly to the Left’ of the Rich on Economic Policy: Survey

The new research, said one union leader, provides Democrats with a "clear roadmap to winning back" working-class voters.

Michael Henry Starks
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: A Prophet for the Poor


Try, why don't you, Matthew Desmond's review of Rev.Barber's new book focusing on white poverty. Can black and white unite and fight? Both Rev. Barber and Prof. Desmond think so. We've had examples and so experience with game-changing deep canvassing but so much still needs to be done. Thanks to Portside for sending this along 

Daniel Millstone
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


‘The Philadelphia Story’  --  Cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz


Lalo Alcaraz
September 10, 2024


Re: Ranked-Choice Disaster

Lousy article. does not explain clearly what the problem is. RCV seems to me a way for people to vote for who they really what but also protect against the worse evil taking power.



I'm sorry you reposted Meyerson's piece on Ranked Choice. It was one of his worst, from a guy I usually like.
He conflated RCV (good) with two-person primaries (bad).

I hope you give fairvote.org http://fairvote.org/ a chance to rebut.

Thanks for having a great publication!


Jim Barton
Asheville, NC


He's full of shit. That's the simplest way to look at it.

In science fiction fandom, we've been using "the Australian ballot" - it is what they use for political elections in Australia - for the Hugo Awards, for site selection for the next Worldcon, etc since well back into the last century.

And celebrities, and people with money? You mean, as opposed to right now, where you need huge amounts of money to even get on the ballot?

Then there are the idiots - don't tell me they don't exist - who dislike someone, but "he won't win, and I don't want to 'waste' my vote".

So go ahead, tell me it doesn't work in Australia, at the least.

mark roth


Re: Leonard Peltier’s Continued Imprisonment

just heartbreaking. and so obviously continued injustice toward native American Indians.

Sand Brim


Re: World Governments Are Using ‘Increasingly Harsh’ Laws Against Climate Protesters

Governments are required by international law to protect and respect the basic rights of freedom of expression, assembly and association, but, rather than safeguarding them, many countries are looking to outdated legislation or enacting new laws restricting peaceful protest and imposing disproportionate punishments.

Tina Braxton
Posted on Portside's Facebook page


Re: Declassified Memo From US Codebreaker Sheds Light on Ethel Rosenberg’s Cold War Spy Case

Walter Schneir's THE FINAL VERDICT, edited posthumously by his wife Miriam, and published thanks to the National Committee Re-open the Rosenberg Case, showed definitively that Julius was a spy, Ethel was not, and neither of them were involved (as the Greenglasses were) in atomic espionage, which was the heart of the case against them, resulting in their conviction and execution. Just as Gov. Michael Dukakis exonerated Sacco and Vanzetti, 50 years after their unjust execution; both the Rosenbergs deserve exoneration.

Leonard J. Lehrman
former Co-Director, NCRRC


Trump Music  --  Carton by Rob Rogers



In a recent Truth Social post, Donald Trump said "I hate Taylor Swift!" I can't imagine Trump liking any kind of music, but I can imagine him defending a fellow billionaire sexual assaulter.

Rob Rogers
September 19, 2024


Find Affordable Child Care Options Near You  (Working America)


Child care is getting more and more expensive. The good news is, there are state and federal programs to help working families pay for it. Follow this link to learn more about your affordable child care options.

All children deserve safe, quality care, no matter their family’s income. That’s why these programs exist: 

  1. Cash Help: Follow this link, choose your state, and then click on “Financial Assistance for Families” to learn more about the money your state offers working families to help pay for child care. Click here!
  2. Head Start and Early Head StartThese federal programs provide free educational care for children under the age of five. Click here!
  3. Pre-K: Pre-kindergarten programs serve children between ages 3 and 5 years of age and focus on helping children get ready for kindergarten. Some states offer these programs to working families for free or for low cost. Follow this link, choose your state, and then click on “Child Development and Early Learning Resources” to learn what’s available near you. Click here!

It’s not easy to juggle work and raising a family. Follow the links above to get the help you need and deserve. 

In solidarity and support, 

Working America


New York City Rally + March on Sept. 30 to Reclaim & Defend Public Medicare & Medicaid


Monday, September 30, 2024


We're reaching out to supporters in the greater NYC area to let you know about this National Day of Action to Reclaim Medicare rally and march on Monday, September 30th. Our allies Physicians for a National Health Program, and many others in coalition, are organizing actions across the country — and this will be their main event!

RSVP and share this link — bit.ly/marchnyc930 

Seniors, healthcare workers, and advocates from a broad alliance of organizations in the New York Metropolitan area will rally and march on September 30th to protest the influence of corporate greed on the American healthcare system, in particular via the Medicare Advantage program. Starting at City Hall and marching to the NYC offices of Aetna CVS Health, we will tell both New York elected officials and health insurance corporations to stop the privatization of our cherished health programs.

Starting at 11:00am, advocates will gather at New York City Hall to demand Mayor Eric Adams stop his ongoing efforts to force retirees onto privatized, for-profit Medicare “Advantage” plans. For decades, New York City public retirees, including teachers, police officers, sanitation workers, 9/11 first responders, and other public servants have been promised healthcare benefits through the trusted Medicare program. Mayor Adams has broken that promise by handing over their healthcare benefits to profit-driven insurance corporations that limit provider networks, delay care, and routinely deny claims in order to turn massive profits at the expense of our health.

After stating our demands to Mayor Adams, we will march to the corporate offices of Aetna CVS Health. Not only is Aetna Medicare DisAdvantage the predatory plan the City of New York is trying to force its retirees into, NYC Transit/MTA already successfully forced their retirees into it earlier this year. Aetna/CVS Health is also the fastest growing Medicare Dis-Advantage provider in the country, with their enrollment doubling since 2010. Protesters will demand Aetna CVS Health not only withdraw from negotiations with the City over the proposed retiree Medicare Advantage plan, but also stop delaying and denying care by eliminating prior authorizations, stop overbilling the Medicare Trust Fund and state Medicaid plans, and stop utilizing Artificial Intelligence to evaluate and deny claims.

Join us in demanding that Mayor Adams deliver on the promises made to public servants in New York City and that health insurance corporations stop using deceptive practices to profit from our health. RSVP here bit.ly/marchnyc930

Endorsing Organizations (additional cosponsors welcome, list in development):


MAGA and Project 2025: Historical Perspectives and Present Dangers  -  Live Stream  --  October 3  (Historians for Peace & Democracy)



MAGA and Project 2025: Historical Perspectives and Current Dangers” teach-in with Carol Anderson, Nancy MacLean, and Paul Ortiz. Historians at several campuses are planning public showings, and we hope you will join them. If you are planning a “live” event on the day itself (or after, since it will remain available on YouTube), please fill in this Google Doc.

If you need help in setting up a showing, add that to the Google Doc, and we will get back to you ASAP.

In solidarity,
Margaret Power and Van Gosse, H-PAD Co-Chairs

Historians for Peace & Democracy
Van Gosse, c/o Department of History
Franklin & Marshall College
415 Harrisburg Pike
Lancaster, PA


Source URL: https://portside.org/2024-09-19/tidbits-sept-19-reader-comments-lies-about-haitian-immigrants-rev-barber-readers