Dispatches From the Culture Wars – January 14, 2025

- Judgement Day for the Merchants of Death
- The LA Fires
- Community Collaborative in Arkansas
- Classical Christian Ed: Schoolhouse Crock
- New Haven Defends Immigrants
- The Anti-Abortion Crusade Targets Speech
- Palestine Protest at Modern Language Conference
- Alice Wong, Disability Activist
- Episcopal Church Divests from Fossil Fuels
- End Warness Not Wokeness
Judgement Day for the Merchants of Death
By Nick Mottren
On January 15, 2025, five days before the inauguration of a U.S. president who threatens to rain down hell on the Palestinian people, and more war to the world, the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal will release its final report on how Lockheed Martin, Boeing, RTX/Raytheon and drone-maker General Atomics have delivered hell to millions across the globe since 9/11.
The LA Fires
The Flames Aren’t the Worst of It By Matthew Rozsa, Salon
Conspiracy Theories By Nitish Pahwa, Slate
Trump’s Revenge, Part 1 By Steve Schmidt, The Warning
Community Collaborative in Arkansas
By Damon Orion
Sankofa Village Arkansas is “a forming intentional community centering Black healing, liberation, and regeneration.” According to the group’s website, Sankofa aims to “transform multigenerational community health through education and land stewardship for the purposes of housing affordability, community wealth building, and climate resiliency.”
Classical Christian Ed: Schoolhouse Crock
By Jennifer C. Berkshire
The Baffler
The prevailing ideology is that schools need more than reform—they need a wholesale “uprooting,” a return to “classical Christian education.” The pre-public education era was chaotic, inadequate, and expensive. Parents who could afford tutoring or private schools paid for these themselves; those with few resources sent their kids either to “pauper schools” or off to work.
By Melinda Tuhus
The Progressive
The Fair Haven Immigrant Support Coalition has brought together a wide range of partners—including immigrant groups such as CT Students for a Dream and the Semilla Collective; nonprofit organizations; activist groups such as Indivisible; New Haven’s public schools, police department, and libraries; legal aid groups; and churches—to make plans to counter Trump’s threats.
The Anti-Abortion Crusade Targets Speech
By Carter Sherman
The Guardian
In an effort to cut off the avenues remaining to people in states with bans, the anti-abortion movement is looking at ways to control information about how and where to obtain abortions. State lawmakers have filed at least two bills for the 2025 legislative session that target abortion-related speech.
Palestine Protest at Modern Language Meeting
By Ryan Quinn
Inside Higher Ed
As the Modern Language Association Delegate Assembly was beginning its meeting Saturday in New Orleans, audience members read out a resolution endorsing the international boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israeli policy—the very resolution that the MLA’s Executive Council had blocked from going to the Delegate Assembly and the association’s full membership for a vote.
Alice Wong, Disability Activist
By Maanvi Singh
The Guardian
When the coronavirus pandemic first broke out, Alice Wong’s disability activism and writings proved prophetic. A series of medical crises in 2021 triggered her transformation into a self-described “disabled cyborg” who now relies on a range of technology to stay alive, and a text-to-speech device to communicate.
Episcopal Church Divests from Fossil Fuels
By David Paulsen
Episcopal News Service
The Episcopal Church announced Dec. 11 that it had divested entirely from the fossil fuel industry. The divestment from companies in the fossil fuel industry is partly rooted in Resolution C045 adopted by the 78th General Convention in 2015. It called on the church to “divest from fossil fuel companies and reinvest in clean renewable energy in a fiscally responsible manner.”
By William J. Astore
“Efficiency” may be the word of the hour, but a more “efficient” imperial military, with a looser leash to attack Iran, bottle up China, and threaten Russia would likely bring yet more unrest to a world that’s already experiencing war-making chaos.