Settlement Construction Surge in First Half of 2013
Portside Date:
Author: Lara Friedman
Date of source:
Americans for Peace Now

Today the Israeli Peace Now movement issued a report documenting a surge in settlement construction during the first half of 2013. The report contradicts the popular narrative that settlement construction in the West Bank slowed during the run-up to the re-start of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. In reality, the period of January-June 2013 saw a huge increase in construction compared to the same period in 2012. The details of the report are summarized below. The full report is available here.

Commenting on the report, Peace Now stated: "The Government of Netanyahu continues to build in settlements and to make it harder to reach a peace agreement. Anyone who cares about Israel and the success of the current efforts to resume the negotiations for a two state solution must be very concerned about the ongoing construction in settlements."

APN President and CEO Debra DeLee added: "Today, it is not only peace talks that stand in the balance, but also Israel's survival as a democracy and a Jewish state. We strongly support negotiations to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and believe President Abbas deserves credit for remaining in talks, despite settlement-related provocations - both in terms of the ongoing trends highlighted in the latest Peace Now report, and in terms of the flood of settlement announcements that accompanied the start of talks this summer - that almost seem designed to force them to walk away.

"In this context, we urge the Obama Administration and the international community, as part of its support for Israel and for peace, to not permit the Netanyahu government to continue to exploit and abuse the negotiations process to create even more facts on the ground that are anathema to the very goal of these negotiations: achieving a two-state agreement that ends the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

Details of the Peace Now Report

1. New Settlement Units - Starts

2. New Settlement Units - Under Construction

3. New Settlement Units - Completions

4. Summer 2013

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