Friday Nite Videos -- April 18, 2014
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Playing for Change: 'Clandestino'
"Clandestino" is a song of the people. An Oud master in Morocco, gypsies in Budapest layered in bass, percussion, strings and vocals from Manu Chao and friends, it forms a Global Roots Reggae-Latin jam.



Tax Day 2014: Are Taxes Fair?
Robert Reich explains why the wealthiest 1% pay a much lower tax rate than the rest of us--and what we can do about it. 


'What's Up With Chicks and Science?'

Neil deGrasse Tyson responds to this provocative question as part of a panel on Secular Society and its Enemies. 



Book: 'Kill Anything That Moves'
Nick Turse writes about the atrocities committed by American troops during the Vietnam War and the attempts to cover them up.



StopRush Is Stopping Rush
Did you know that the StopRush campaign is actually stopping Rush? In New York, Rush has been demoted to the 22nd radio station. An Ed Show segment.

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