Message from the Portside Labor Moderators
Portside Date:
Date of source:

Dear Portside Labor reader,

One more time, we are reaching out with our year-end appeal.

As you know the response to police violence is going mass. Portside has been faithfully keeping up with the fast-breaking events.

If you meant to make a contribution but got caught up in the flurry of action - as we all have - here's a reminder about Portside's purpose and work.

The Left has a big role to play in the battles ahead -- including forging a vision of a society in which there is more, not less, democracy, equality and economic security. Today's left is increasingly vibrant and diverse. We at Portside are of the left, and strive to provide a service that is of, by, and for that left.

We need your help to keep going. We don't intend to stand still. In the next year, we will improve and expand Portside, making it easier to use, to search and to share. Early next year we will initiate a new daily post, dealing with books, films, poetry, food -- with a left slant. We plan to add music, sports and health.

We moderators will remain, as ever, unpaid. We do what we do to help promote the Left perspectives that are sorely needed but mostly excluded or marginalized in major media. It is sufficient compensation for us to see our work have an influence, and to have so many readers join with us in these efforts.

But even with volunteer effort and modern technology, Portside costs money. We need your financial contributions to guarantee that we survive and grow. Portside asks our readers to help make all this possible, and our financial appeal is just once per year. So, now it's your turn.

You can make a contribution using our secure donation page at

This can be a one-time contribution, or you can become a regular sustainer in whatever amount you can afford. If you would prefer to mail a contribution, please send to the address at the bottom of this email.

We also urge you to invite friends, co-workers, neighbors and family to subscribe via the Web at or by email at

Studs Terkel used to sign off his radio show with the terse advice from the rap Talking Union: "Take it easy, but take it." Good mottLast chance! This is your last chance to respond to Portside's 2014 fund appeal. We won't ask again this year, and we won't ask again for another year. During that time we'll be working hard to keep you informed and to empower you with the most insightful, entertaining and challenging news, analyses and debates that we can find. Please do help us to keep it coming.o.

Yours in struggle,

The Portside and Portside Labor crew -

Mark Allen, Judy Atkins, Barry Cohen, David Cohen, Ira Cohen, Marti Garza, Greg Heires, Geoffrey Jacques, Will Jones, Stephanie Luce, Ray Markey, Carol Pittman, John P. Pittman, Nan Rubin, Meredith Schaffer, Jay Schaffner, Kurt Stand, Ethan Young


If you prefer to send your contribution to Portside by check:

 *  Checks should be made payable to Portside and sent to:
    355 Eighth Avenue
    New York, NY 10001-4839

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