Friday Nite Videos -- February 6, 2015
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Proud to Be
The Super Bowl is proud of its commercials, but here is a commercial about pride that you didn't see. Watch the #BigGame commercial the NFL would never air. 

Movie -- The Black Panther Party: Vanguard of the Revolution
From master documentarian Stanley Nelson, a treasure of rare archival footage with the voices of the people who were there: police, FBI informants, journalists, white supporters and detractors, Black Panthers loyal to the party and those who left it. 

Robert Reich: The Worst Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the largest--and worst--trade deal you've never heard of and Republicans in Congress want to work with the Obama administration to "fast track" its passage.

Documentary -- The Hand That Feeds
Fast food, immigration, how justice is forged. A dramatic true story of restaurant workers in New York, many of them undocumented, struggling to organize.

Diane Nash -- Bio of a Civil Rights Activist
This short biography of Diane Nash features contemporary footage of Nash and her comrades in the Freedom Rides, in boycotts, sit-ins, marches and demonstrations, challenging segregation and facing official and unofficial violence and hatred. Angela Bassett narrates.

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