Friday Nite Videos -- Feb 13, 2015 (Jon Stewart Steps Down)
So Jon Stewart is stepping down and moving on. We'll miss him on the Daily Show, but we're pretty sure that the kind of humor Stewart has personified and that the Daily Show has incubated will, as comedy must, keep reinventing itself. Comedy that saves its barbs for the powerful. Comedy that dissects prejudice and not the poor. Laughter that echoes across the space of real politics. Unsparing and uncynical. Unselfish comedy, in which large and -- shall we say -- distinctive personalities express themselves and also manage real camaraderie. So today we feature one trademark Jon Stewart bit (from the same show he acknowledged his intention to move on), in one more epic takedown of Fox News hypocricy. And then four more clips showcasing other talents from the Daily Show stable. Please stay tuned with us as we keep an eye out for the good fight and the good laugh. -- moderator
Fox News: Hail the Muslim King
John Oliver: Marketing to Doctors
Colbert: No Boots on the Ground in Iraq
Let's Have a Conversation About Race
Back in Black -- the Moocher Class