Hanging by a Thread! Los Angeles Garment Workers’ Struggle to Access Quality Care for their Children

We are excited to share a new report, Hanging by a Thread! Los Angeles Garment Workers’ Struggle to Access Quality Care for their Children. The report documents findings from a worker-led study, in which Garment Worker Center members, and student supporters, conducted a survey with local garment workers about their child care needs and the barriers they encounter. The findings revealed that affordable, accessible child care is severely lacking for this community, further complicated by sweatshop wages, long hours, and rampant wage theft.
The report concludes with recommendations to improve access to child care for low-wage workers, including improved labor and wage standards and increased access to subsidized, high quality child care. The struggles of working mothers truly are central to worker justice. The GWC is committed to using the findings and recommendations to explore new programs and advocacy in this arena for our members.
The report is a collaboration of the Garment Worker Center, UCLA Labor Center, and Research Action Design, generously funded by the Ms. Foundation for Women.