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America’s Workplace Safety Crisis

Terri Gerstein The American Prospect
Today is Worker's Memorial Day. Conditions have improved from the days of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. But not by nearly enough.


How We’re Fighting for a Union at Amazon’s Biggest Air Hub

Griffin Ritze Labor Notes
In Kentucky, workers organizing for a union at Amazon's biggest air hub are demanding the rehire of fired activists. Despite the retaliation, "our activity has been contagious among our co-workers," writes Griffin Ritze. Workers in various departments have taken direct action for immediate demands.

Tidbits – Feb. 23, 2023 – Reader Comments: Derailment = Nationalization; Florida Bans Black History; Earthquake Hits Syria Too; FBI Still Uses Informants; Amazon Labor Union; Charlene Mitchell; Communists in Closets; Building Resilient Organizations

Reader Comments: Derailment = Nationalization; Florida Bans Black History; Syria Hit by Earthquake, too; FBI Still Uses Informants; Amazon Labor Union; Charlene Mitchell; Communists in Closets; Building Resilient Organizations; Cartoons; more...
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