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Trump Defeated - Four Takes: Black People Defeated Trump; We Win when we Follow Black Women; 10 Takeaways From the 2020 Election and the Future of Healthcare; California's Prop 15

The Movement for Black Lives; Showing Up for Racial Justice; Labor Campaign for Single-Payer, California Calls Portside
The defeat of Donald Trump and the building of grass roots political independent. Reports from The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL); Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ); Labor Campaign for Single-Payer, California Calls

Angela Davis - One of The New York Times Five Greats

Nelson George; Photographs by John Edmonds New York Times
Before the world knew what intersectionality was, the scholar, writer and activist was living it, arguing not just for Black liberation, but for the rights of women and queer and transgender people as well.

Tidbits - Oct. 1, 2020 - Reader Comments: This election and a divided country - will we survive?; Pentagon response to Trump coup plot; Weaponization of religion; Save Our Post Office; Confronting White Power; announcements; more ...

Reader Comments: This election and a divided country - will we survive?; Pentagon response to Trump coup plot; Weaponization of religion; Save Our Post Office a Defense of Civil Society; Confronting White Power in 2020; resources; announcements; more

Tidbits - Sept. 17, 2020 - Reader Comments: Could Trump Win-Is He Planning a Coup?; Women Given Hysterectomies Without Consent by ICE; No Peace without Freedom-Thoughts on "Peace Deal"; Scourge of Racism; Use Art to Raise Antiracist Kids; Announcements

Reader Comments: Could Trump Win-Is He Planning a Coup?; Women Given Hysterectomies Without Consent by ICE; There Cannot be Peace without Freedom-Thoughts on the "Peace Deal"; Scourge of Racism; Use Art to Raise Antiracist Kids; Lots of Announcements


The Wages of Whiteness

Hari Kunzru The New York Review of Books
A deep dig into the literature on white supremacy shows how even such salient insurgent movements for social justice and racial equality as Black Lives Matter can be transmuted by corporate manipulation into instruments of ruling class stability.
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