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A Slow Emancipation

Anna Wood Africa Is A Country
What peanut trading in late 19th century Senegal tells us about the fine line between slavery and freedom.

The Implications of New US Troop Arrivals in Peru

W. T. Whitney CounterPunch
The U.S. troops arrive amid an upsurge of Peru’s underclass. Peru’s mostly rural, poor, and indigenous majority elected the recently deposed Castillo as president in 2021, they are now calling for Boluarte's, (his unpopular replacement) removal.

Repression of Atlanta Protesters a Threat to Workers

Carl Rosen, Andrew Dinkelaker, Mark Meinster United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of Americam(UE)
In a democracy, decisions about the use of publicly-owned land and public funds should be driven by robust public debate, including the right of members of the public to peacefully protest.

The Arc

Kenneth Pobo Freshwater Literary Journal
The so-called “arc of history,” says poet Kenneth Pobo, does not “bend toward justice,” and he tells us why!